icon of a creature using a drawing tablet

Nightswan's Art Archive

Welcome to the Archive (where I keep all my art examples.)

I'm a 19 year old aspiring artist and designer who's looking for an opportunity to begin a career in the professional world! I specialize in 2D illustration and character concept art, but I also recently picked up basic 3D polygon modelling & animation rigging, and dabble in 2D hand drawn animation. I use Paint Tool SAI and Krita for illustration, and Maya for 3D with beginner level experience in Unity. I learn fast and adapt easily, and I'm willing to be flexible about what role I can take as long as I'm given a little time to adjust.

I'm constantly adding new art to the archive! Make sure to check back for updates.

WARNING: Most of my non-graphics art is cloaked using the Glaze program, which adds noise to images to protect them from being effectively used as AI training data. The resulting images are slightly lower quality than the original.

logo of the project Glaze